Empowering Trailblazers in Emergency Medical Service

The Women in Emergency Services Executive Job Board is a platform dedicated to advancing careers and promoting diversity within the dynamic field of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). This exclusive job board is tailored for accomplished women leaders seeking executive roles that align with their passion for saving lives and making a difference in EMS. This is a member-only benefit to the WiES community. 

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Are you recruiting for an open role?

Post your open opportunities to the WiES Executive Job Board today and pave the way for a more inclusive and empowered future in emergency medical services. Posting to the free WiES Executive Job Board is only available to WiES members. Not a member of WiES? Join today!

Why Hire Diverse: 

The importance of hiring diverse candidates for executive roles transcends mere inclusivity; it is a strategic necessity. Diverse leadership in EMS brings a wealth of innovative perspectives, enhancing problem-solving and revolutionizing approaches to the dynamic challenges faced in emergency response. A diverse executive team not only reflects the communities served but also ensures cultural competence, improving patient care tailored to diverse needs. Moreover, it fosters a more engaged workforce, promoting employee satisfaction and retention. Embracing diversity in the EMS executive team is a commitment to excellence, yielding an organization that is not only resilient and innovative but also attuned to the unique requirements of the diverse communities it serves.

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Benefits for Job Seekers... 

  • Inclusive Opportunities: Explore a range of executive positions specifically curated to amplify the presence of women leaders in EMS. We believe in breaking barriers and fostering a diverse, inclusive workforce.
  • Nationwide Reach: Connect with top-tier EMS organizations and healthcare institutions across the country. Our job board provides a gateway to opportunities that align with your career aspirations.
  • Targeted Executive Roles: Discover high-profile positions tailored for seasoned professionals ready to take their careers to the next level.

Job Title Examples:

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) • Chief Medical Officer (CMO) • Chief Financial Officer (CFO) • Chief of EMS • Executive Director • Director of Operations • EMS Director •  Director of Clinical Services • Director of Training and Education • Director of Quality Improvement • Director of Emergency Management • Compliance Officer • Risk Manager • Research and Development Director

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